"An address to remember." - Lyne Boily, Host of Radio-Canada's weekly Les arts et les autres.

95 Berkeley St., Toronto ON M5A 2W8
Tel: 416.365.3326; (cell) 416 356 4276
Email: info@craigscottgallery.com
URL: www.craigscottgallery.com

Friday, August 29, 2008

Performance Art 2.0? - Check out IMPROVeverywhere.com

A truly cool website, reflecting an equally cool (do people still say cool?) social art phenomenon, just came to my attention (thank to the Webscape segment of BBC World News' Click show). Improv Everywhere has a real aesthetic and at the same time a refreshing fun factor. Judge for yourselves what 'it' 'is' from an art perspective, but otherwise just enjoy. Here are three recent "missions", as the Improv Everywhere folks call them, that are really neat (I know no one else uses that any more):

Frozen Grand Central Station

Human Mirror

The Camera Flash Experiment [on Brooklyn Bridge]

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