"An address to remember." - Lyne Boily, Host of Radio-Canada's weekly Les arts et les autres.

95 Berkeley St., Toronto ON M5A 2W8
Tel: 416.365.3326; (cell) 416 356 4276
Email: info@craigscottgallery.com
URL: www.craigscottgallery.com

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

As September 11 approaches, check out John Currid's marvelous "Fire Lane"

John Currid, "Fire Lane", 2006
Fibre-based silver print
Edition of 15 (15.5 x 23.5 in)
Edition of 6 (approx 24"x36")

Below: blow up of the words on pavement in lower-middle 1/20 of the photograph

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